Employment Verification

Employment Verification Process


This section contains information for the Employment Verification process for stateside CSUDH employees. Standard employment verification information includes employment status, dates of employment, salary information, job title, etc. General questions regarding payroll should be sent to payrollservices@dandick.net or by calling (310) 243-3769.

I am an employee seeking employment verification for myself.

Please complete the Employment Verification Request Form which is available for  pick-up in Payroll Services located in WH 205 or online here.

Please submit the Employment Verification Request Form to the Payroll Services Secure Dropbox

I am a third-party company seeking verification.

Please submit the verification of employment along with a signed authorization to the Payroll Services Secure Dropbox. Please include signed authorization and complete social security number.

For general questions, please contact Payroll Services at payrollservices@dandick.net or call (310) 243-3769.

I am an employee working with a third-party company seeking verification.

Please submit the verification of employment along with a signed authorization to the Payroll Services Secure Dropbox. Please include signed authorization and complete social security number.

For general questions, please email Payroll Services at payrollservices@dandick.net or by calling (310) 243-3769.

I only need to verify active status.

Please call Payroll Services at (310) 243-3769.

I am a Faculty member seeking a job letter to verify employment as Faculty at CSUDH.

Request for employment verification on CSUDH letterhead that includes units taught would be through the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development. Please submit your request to Dr. Corinne Martinez, Interim AVP Faculty Affairs at comartinez@dandick.net.

I am a seeking a reference request or letter of recommendation for a current or former employee of CSUDH.

The CSU implemented a new policy, Employment Policy Governing the Provision of Employee References, in July 2022 that outlines the principles and procedures guiding the provision of references given the associated legal liability. The purpose of this policy to establish a guiding principle of not providing positive letters of reference for employees who have engaged in serious or significant misconduct, including a serious CSU policy violation. Refer to the Employee References website on how to submit a request.