Events & Facility Usage
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Event Postings
In an effort to build Toro Pride, community, and campus involvement, University Housing provides opportunities for events and event postings. University Housing also offers collaborative opportunities with our resident assistants & Residents Student Association.
To host an event, collaboration, or table at University Housing, please submit a Reservations Request form found at LSU Reservations, and submit it to Assistant Complex Coordinator Paola Carbajal Kerr at, with a description as to how your event/collaboration or table will benefit the CSUDH Housing Community. Submissions are requested a minimum of two (2) weeks in advance of your event or table.
Posting Policies:
Organizations currently recognized by or registered with the university, campus committees and commissions, individual students, faculty, and staff are allowed to publicize on campus. For club, organization, or Greek on-campus events, at least one poster must have the Office of Student Life Stamp to demonstrate proof of campus approval.
Materials to be distributed or posted must list all the sponsoring organizations.
Identification of Publicity
All materials to be distributed or posted must be identified with the name and phone number of the person or organization responsible. Email addresses are allowed in lieu of phone numbers for contact purposes.
All materials to be distributed or posted on campus written in any language other than English must contain an English translation. Hate speech is not tolerated.
Solicitation is not allowed in University Housing. This means the distribution of handbills, circulars, quarter-sheets and postcards are approved only for distribution during approved events and tables. Any other distribution must be cleared and approved by Residential Life.
Other Approved Distribution:
Paper advertisements are can be provided for distribution to Residential Life:
- Resident Assistant Mail Boxes (x16)
- Quarter-Sheet Flier Stands (x50)
Electronic Advertising
University Housing has twelve digital screens, in three phases, for advertisement use. Digital advertisements must be submitted in landscape layout, in JPG format, with (at most) pixel dimensions of 3400 x 5200. Digital Advertisement submissions can be made using the Facility Usage Form.
Email & Social Media advertisements to our residents require approval from Residential Life.
For any questions regarding programming, posting, or policies, please contact Assistant Complex Coordinator Paola Carbajal Kerr at