If you are in immediate danger, please dial 911 or (310) 243-3333 to reach the CSUDH Police Department. They will ensure your safety.
Being a survivor/victim of intimate partner or domestic violence is not your fault. Nothing you say, wear, or do gives anyone the right to hurt you. Remember that you are not alone and you have options available to you to receive the support you may need. At CSUDH, the Victim's Advocate can help a survivor/victim determine which options will best enhance their safety and will work to devise a safety plan to address each unique situation and circumstance.
If you are currently in the relationship:
- Plan ahead where you can go if the abuser shows signs of escalating.
- Make a list of safe people to contact (DV program, friends, relatives, attorney, and important persons/services). Have the phone numbers for local domestic violence programs handy.
- Pack and have ready a bag or suitcase of essentials, including medications.
- Obtain and secure personal documents and information for yourself, and if you have children, for them as well: birth certificates, driver’s license, social security cards, immunization records, passports, licenses, bank accounts, debit and credit cards, checkbooks, W-2s, paystubs, insurance cards and policies, school records, clothing, and keys.
- Any documentation that you might have about the abuse, including pictures, recordings, medical records, and police reports are also very important to have.
- Include cash if you can and any other valuables that you don’t want to leave behind. Keep in mind that large items like furniture might not be possible to hide.
- Find a safe place to hide these — with a friend, relative, and/or another place the abuser cannot access.
If you are not currently in the relationship:
- Change your phone number and other contact information.
- Consider getting a restraining/protective order. Speak to an advocate and find out if that is a good option for you—every situation is different.
- Screen your calls.
- Save and document all contact, messages, injuries, or other incidents involving the abuser.
- Change your locks.
- Avoid being alone.
- Plan how to get away if confronted by the abuser.
- If you have to meet the abuser do it in a public place.
- Vary your routine.
- If you have a restraining or protective order, always have a copy with you. Leave a copy at work. If you have children, leave a copy at your children’s school and every place your children might spend time (childcare center, grandparents, friends, etc.).
- Find out if there is a domestic violence response policy at your work place and ask questions if you don't understand how it works.
- Consider joining a support group at a local domestic violence program.
Supportive and Shelter Resources
Reporting Resources
CSUDH Title IX Officer
Nallely López, Title IX Coordinator
Phone: (310) 243-3492
Email: nalopez@dandick.net
CSUDH Police Department
Phone: (310) 243-3333 or 911
The National Domestic Violence Hotline recommends the following steps when reporting:
- Speak clearly and give your location.
- After the police arrive and they have secured the area and taken your information, get the names and badge numbers of the officers you talked to. If they have business cards, get those.
- Ask questions about what is going to happen next.
- If there was an arrest, ask if they will notify you when the defendant bonds out of jail. Get the jail phone number so you can find this out yourself, too.
- If the defendant is at large, ask if they are they going to notify you when he is arrested.
- Ask if they can facilitate you going into a safe house.
- Ask if there is an advocate from the police department who will follow up with you and offer services and referrals.
- Ask if you are you required to appear in court for the defendant's arraignment. Some jurisdictions with fast-track domestic violence protocols require that you be present.
- Write down all information given to you by the officers. Ask for copies of any pictures they take or any reports of the incident.
Safety Measure Resources
- Contact the CSUDH Victim's Advocate or CSUDH Title IX Coordinator for assistance with accessing these resources or you may access them directly.
- Temporary and Permanent Restraining Orders:
To determine which court to go to and instructions, visit the LA Superior Court website. If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
- Stay-Away Orders:
CSUDH Police Department: (310) 243-3492 or 911
- CSUDH No-Contact Orders and room changes:
Contact the CSUDH Victim's Advocate or CSUDH Title IX Coordinator.
Accommodations Resources
For CSU academic, housing, or other accommodations, the CSUDH Victim's Advocate or CSUDH Title IX Coordinator can provide you with assistance.
Additional Resources Available for Download